Friday 6 November 2009

Chocolatina Jet – The Best Worst Chocolate in the World

It really is the best worst chocolate in the world. Not a lot more can be said really. The scary thing is, I have become addicted to it. It is a real struggle not to buy large packs of those small choccie delites. Well maybe we should not call it chocolate, as I’m sure some chocolatiers in Switzerland would take it as an offence. I do sometimes.
The good thing about these small bars, is that you get a sticker in each one, that goes in their album of the animal kingdom. Bad for your health, good for the brain. It reminds me of the dinasour album that I used to try and fill for many years when I was a wee child.
So now the excuse is we are only buying the bars to fill the album. Honest. Only about 150 more stickers to go.
We are going to look like a bar when we are finished.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love jet! I also love Jumbo!